Wednesday, December 29, 2010

never grow up

So I was listening to Taylor Swift's new album, Speak Now (will be doing a review asap!), which I am loving the openess so far, and this song called Never Grow Up came up. I paused the album when the song stopped. This got me to think about my life as of right now.
I know I shouldn't be giving up how old I am, but since I've already stated that I'm a junior in high school, you know what needs to be known. I think you can guess my age from the tone of my posts lol. Not the point.
Anyways, I'm stressing about the SATs at the moment and how badly I'm going to do. Well, I'm just nervous about it, even though it's not for another three months. My brother is helping me compile a list of colleges I want to visit. I'm thinking about what I want to be when I grow up, which is a teacher of some sort. I mean my dream is to be a singer-songwriter, but usually plan b is what goes through. I'm thinking all about my future. This made me realize, what about right now?
Why do I have to relish about my future and how great and exciting it's going to be? Why can't I just think about right now? Then, a light bulb went off.
Growing up isn't easy. TRUST ME. But the best thing about growing up is being carefree and not worrying about what's next in life. Growing up is when you are supposed to have fun and look forward to what's next and NOT just the latter. Growing up is about living in the present. Not reminiscing on the past and what could've been or only looking to the future and what lies ahead. Growing up is actually pretty easy. But ever since I got my driver's license, I realized that I'm getting old. I'm not that old, I know, but I'm getting there. Which made me think of how I'm going to college soon, my future career, raising a family, and BOOM! I'm my mom.
WHOA! How'd I get there? What happened to wake up, go to school, go home, play tennis, do homework, play piano/guitar, write a song, go to bed? Does this mean that soon I'll be in some cubicle working some 8-5 job? Is this what I've been building up my future to be? So all this time when I was growing up, I wanted to be grown up and an adult. I couldn't wait for college and freedom. All of a sudden, I can wait for college. I don't have to be an adult. Now that I'm almost 18, I'm almost an adult. Yeah, I get to watch rated R movies without mom or dad, but that means I could get tried as an adult in court, got to pay the bills, get a job, etc. Did not know this is what being an adult meant.
So if you're some kid who happened to stumble on this blog, I am telling you something that you need to know: don't rush to being an adult. I know, you hear this all the time from your parents. But this is coming from a kid just like you. Yeah, I'm a teenager, but I'm still a kid. Being a kid is awesome! You're young, gorgeous, and you probably have amazing skin. and hair. Well, being an adult means being old, good looking-ish, bad, saggy skin, dried out hair, and CELLULITE! Ewwww gross. Don't want that. So enjoy childhood because it won't last. Relish every moment. I swore just yesterday I was a freshman. Now I'm a junior and time flew by fast. Way too fast. Seriously, enjoy the time you have to watch TV. Soon you won't have that time.
Adults, if you are reading this, I now know that you guys were right. This is the best time of our lives, so we should make the most of it. Well I have a challenge for you: make the most of adulthood. Yeah, it goes down after 21, but shouldn't this be the best part of your life? I mean, most of your life, you're an adult, so shouldn't that be the best part? Don't reminisce on when you were young because it will only make you depressed...or super happy idk. Seriously, make the best of what you have. Happiness is the key to an amazing life. So make your life amazing.
As for me, I've chosen to live every day to the fullest for the rest of my life. I've chosen to make my life AMAZING.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

rant #1

Disclaimer: According to the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States of America's Constitution, I have the freedom of speech and press, which I am utilizing in this. No names were named and I have kept all organizations and schools that I have mentioned in this rant private for their protection. All opinions are of my own.

Rant Time #1 – How Unfair the Justice System Is

On Thursday, I found out that my waiver to play sports this year was denied, so I have to go to a second hearing to get my case heard. I am fuming right now and disappointed that 10 middle aged men decided the fate of me playing my two favorite sports was never meant to be. I felt so angry that I decided to do something and say what I’m thinking about right now.

Now the reason why I had to get this waiver was because if someone transfers after sophomore year to another school, he or she is ineligible to play a sport he or she previously played in high school. Basically, I can’t play volleyball and tennis against non-conference schools this year. Now I requested a waiver to be eligible to play, but they did not have time to put my hearing in. So the head of the board gave me an interim waiver to play volleyball and they would have a hearing about that. Three games into the volleyball season, they have this interim waiver hearing so I am able to play volleyball (the tennis hearing will happen later). The board of this organization denied my waiver, overturning the decision made by the head, which has never happened in more than a decade. I am so disappointed because now I can’t play half of my next 12 volleyball games, including HOMECOMING, which is the hugest game of the season. This also means that I can’t play some of my tennis matches either which means I won’t even have a place on the team, which sucks.

So why does a person become ineligible after sophomore year? It is to prevent someone from being recruited for sports from another school. So why was my waiver denied? I did not transfer for athletic reasons. I transferred to my old school (which I went to for ten years, transferred after eighth grade, now transferring back) because I HATED my old school. Okay, hate is a strong word, but I didn’t like some of the teachers, most of the girls (all girl school), and the academics weren’t challenging enough (they were challenging; I’m just saying that I like even more of a challenge). Now, this school isn’t bad at all, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. However, people have different tastes, and this wasn’t to my liking. It’s like this school is coffee, and it doesn’t have enough sugar. However, the school I go to now has enough sugar for me. Make sense? As you can see, I transferred because I missed my old school and wanted to come back. Do you see anything wrong with that? Well apparently the board does.

Why would a perfectly innocent, nice, sweet girl, as I am told, be denied her right to play sports? I get good grades, actually I get really good grades, I don’t party or do anything stupid, and I’m in a really good group of friends who are awesome. I’m a self proclaimed nerd and don’t consider myself an athlete, even though I play volleyball and tennis. However, they decide to deny me my right to be active, stay healthy, and have fun with these sports. I play tennis outside of school, but I really wanted to play this year. I’ve never gotten past the first round of the state tournament and I’m on JV volleyball! Not varsity volleyball, JV VOLLEYBALL!!! I’m not even that good and yet I still can’t play half of my games?

There was an article in the paper a few days ago about a guy with my same problem switched schools because he moved and he got his waiver approved. He’s a great football player and I’m a mediocre volleyball and tennis player. Do you see the injustice? We have slightly similar cases, since he said, in the article, that he did not like his old school. I find this unfair and very saddening that these two cases were treated differently. Now they are under different circumstances, but still, it is saddening. When I heard of my decision, I cried. Yes, it was that bad.

If you have ever read To Kill a Mockingbird or have seen the movie (Gregory Peck was impeccable, I must say), you can probably recall the part where Tom Robinson is unfairly pronounced guilty. Jem then sees the injustice of this, knowing that all the evidence pointed to his innocence. However, the justice system was failed because of the racial prejudice. I compare my situation with that one part of the book because it reminds me of how I feel that the justice system has failed me in a way. I did not transfer for the reason this rule was put up, and yet they deny me from playing my two favorite sports, making it seem like I did transfer for athletic reasons. However, they failed to see the point that I just didn’t like my school and miss my old school. If they knew me, they know I’m not the kind of person who would do such shady things. This just makes me think, how can I ever trust the justice system? What did I do to make them decide this? These questions just make me think.

I hope you have enjoyed this rant. Please tell me what your views are of the situation.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

"and in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

So today I finished "The Perks of Being a Wallflower." I believe it has taken the place of "The Book Thief" of my favorite book of all time. I might just give a few reasons why.

1. The plot is just real.
It reminded me of my favorite show, Degrassi, which put every single high school issue known on a single TV show. I loved reading these "things" that are never addressed anywhere to shield children from issues that are too "harsh" and stuff. Basically, "banned books" are always the best to read because they go to places that normal books are too afraid to go to, if you get my vibe??? Basically, life is rough, and we don't need our eyes shielded from the harsh reality that really is life. We don't need a "scary stuff" filter. We're old enough to handle it because it does happen. Why don't adults get that???

2. (redundant, I know) It reminds me SO much of Degrassi.
I know this is kind of redundant, but it reminds of Degrassi (unlike the previous comment, I will elaborate). On this one episode of Degrassi, "Jane Says, Parts 1 & 2", Jane tries to remember why she hated her father so much. Well, she slowly remembers throughout the episode how he molested her when she was younger. Like Charlie, she doesn't remember, in the beginning, some parts with loved ones, like aunt Helen. However, Jane hated her father and Charlie loved his aunt Helen. However, they both experience the same amount of pain in remembering these horrifying moments. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad that this book is "High School: Uncensored." It keeps it realistic and in perspective, not all rainbows and smiles (Mean Girls reference, but of course) like every other stupid high school story/book.

Okay, maybe I don't have a third reason because I feel unjustified if I reviewed the book. I think that someone who actually has gotten decent grades in high school English should review it, not me haha. But it is an amazing book and definitely worth its money.

What I'd rate it: A
Who Should Read it: Age 14 (High School Freshman)-Adults
Movie Rating: Rated R, but definitely appropriate for high schoolers

P.S. I hear that a movie adaptation with Emma Watson as Sam (rumor, but probable) and Logan Lerman (!!!!!!!! Huge smile on my face right now ;) as Charlie (most definitely in talks, but most likely) is going to come out in 2011. So pumped. I really can't wait to see Logan Lerman (heehee gorgeous :) playing Charlie and Emma Watson playing Sam. Maybe it'll be a movie I'll actually want to see lol.

xoxo, sammmm

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

kiss me quick; make it last

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to like that "pop" sound, but I appreciate all kinds of music. I am very outspoken and will speak my mind when it needs a-speaking. So if I tend to sound very biased, but that is because I am. You have to be biased if you're human, you just don't have to share it. Too bad I will...xoxo

Demi Lovato is my subject today :)

Demi Lovato is a girl from Texas, coming from a family in which her parents are divorced and she has a step dad. She has two sisters. They are all involved in Hollywood who sing, act, or all of the above. When she was younger, Lovato got her break by being on Barney. That is where she met her friend, Selena Gomez. They are still friends and both with Disney. Lovato was also a plus size model for children's clothes.

Lovato then got her huge break from Disney when she starred in the Disney Channel Original Movie, Camp Rock, with the Jonas Brothers. She is very good friends with them and now dating Joe. She sang in that movie, creating a start for her singing career with Hollywood Records.

Lovato dropped her first album, Don't Forget, after Camp Rock came out. The Jonas Brothers helped write and produce some of the songs on the album. This album has a pop sound with a bit of rock. She co-wrote most of her songs and wrote one song, Trainwreck, entirely by herself.

By the time her next album, Here We Go Again, came out, she totally changed her look. She dyed her hair black, seemed to have a fake tan, and totally changed up her style. This look matched her new album. There was a more dance-rock beat to the album and less of the bubblegum-pop sound coming from most Disney stars. Lovato's sound is totally different from the Disney norm. However, she relied on more help on writing the songs, yet she creates a sound that sounds more like herself.

Key Songs to Understand Demi's Sound
- Get Back - first single off her first album; describes the whole album
- Here We Go Again - first single off her second album; describes her new sound

Key Songs to Have
- Don't Forget - title song off of the first album; definitely one of the best songs on that album; very good combination of ballad and rock
- Falling Over Me - a very sweet sounding melody that shows Lovato's range

Key Songs to Keep on Repeat until you get sick of it
- Catch Me - a very sweet sounding song that is similar to Don't Forget yet has a sound of its own
- Stop the World - a great song that has a Jonas Brothers feel (Nick Jonas co-wrote this btw :)

Demi Lovato is someone who has a voice of her own. Its bluesy sound gives her something that no one from Disney has: a future after 18 :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Review of My World 2.0

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to like that "pop" sound, but I appreciate all kinds of music. I am very outspoken and will speak my mind when it needs a-speaking. So if I tend to sound very biased, but that is because I am. You have to be biased if you're human, you just don't have to share it. Too bad I will...xoxo

So I was one of those people who preordered My World 2.0 :P and it's currently on repeat. So here's my attempt at a review of it without being totally biased...

On Friday, I came home to find a package with my name on it. I opened it and screamed...well, shrieked would be a better word. I get to be one of the first to hear this CD. My expectations were high or at least better than the first album. I looked at the track list and saw some familiar songs, and then I saw some not so familiar songs. Well, here it goes!


1. Baby featuring Ludacris - 4.5/5
Like the first album, Bieber puts his first single as the first track of the album, which is a frequently used and very smart trick. Starting the album on a good note. The upbeat tune of this song gives a great, happy, and energetic start to the album. With Ludacris rapping, he brings in more fans, mostly female, to his...fanbase. The recurrent theme of puppy love in his songs is very age-appropriate, him being 16 years old. I give it my approval :)

2. Somebody to Love - 4.25/5
The song starts with an old-school, 80's sounding beat to give an exciting start to this song. Bieber then sings about the things he wants for love. The second song in an album isn't always necessarily good, but this song is decent. Personally, it's not my favorite, but it's very upbeat and very fun to listen to.

3. Stuck in the Moment - 4.25/5
When I first heard the beginning of this song, I swore I was listening to "Bedrock". I was DEFINITELY wrong lol. This song references great loves and their struggles through love. This song is slow and fast at the same time, having a slowish beat, yet still keeping up to the beat of the past two songs...kinda. Slightly explores Bieber's vocal range, but it could be better. Still very good.

4. U Smile - 4.5/5
I absolutely, positively love love love this song! The use of piano in this fan dedicated song makes this more ballady than Bieber's other up-beat pop songs. He brings back the old sounds of R&B and Soul while still bringing in his well-known sound. From the inspirations of Boyz II Men and Michael Jackson, Bieber's influences are very evident in this song. The melismas he delivers with his pre-pubescent voice is rather surprising, with his voice not hitting the peak quite yet.

5. Runaway Love - 4.5/5
When I first listened to this song, I didn't give it a chance. So I decided to listen to it a few more times. After extensively and constantly listening to it, I decided to redo its review: I LOVE THIS SONG. This song is reminiscent of a young Michael Jackson, showing his vocal range. The unusual-ness of the song makes it very interesting.

6. Never Let You Go - 4/5
You know how some songs sound better acoustically? Actually, most songs usually do, with the exception of Ke$ha, that dirty looking woman...not the point. Well, Bieber posted this song on Youtube acoustically first, raising the expectations of this song. This is another song that could've been better, yet its beat doesn't match the lyrics. The chorus' sound doesn't match the verses, yet it is very well-done.

7. Overboard featuring Jessica Jarrell - 4/5
As you may or may have not concurred by now, I love the sound of the piano. The beginning of the simplicity of the piano sets up for a good song. Also, duets between the girl and boy voice is perfect for good love songs. The chorus is just too cheesy for my likings, giving analogy between drowning and needing love. The vocals, however, are amazing in this song :). By the way, I'd be on the lookout for this Jessica Jarrell girl...very strong voice for being 14/15-ish.

8. Eenie Meenie featuring Sean Kingston- 4.25/5
I am not a huge fan of rap, but, being a "music critic" I must condone it. I think that mixing singing and rap is very good, and Bieber and Kingston deliver. They turn the phrase of "Eenie Meenie Miney Moe" from a simple picking game to describing a "player girl". This song is very friendly to the mainstream radio ears. Very versatile for the non-Bieber liker...

9. Up - 4.5/5
The slow beat doesn't do any good for this song, yet the lyrics in this song saves it from drowning in my pool of "I HATE SLOW SONGS". From the thought of going "nowhere but up", Bieber takes a new message of love into inspiration, by saying there is no other way but up. Also he borrows a lyric from Selena Gomez, "As long as you're with me baby," but we won't worry about any copyright mumbo jumbo.

10. That Should Be Me - 4.75/5
This song is definitely a tear-jerker, and it is definitely hands down the best song on this album. 1. The lyrical content in this song. Definitely lyrics about unrequited love/lost love touch a tender spot in the heart. 2. The passion heard in Bieber's voice gives him a promising future after puberty. 3. The use of piano in this song makes it a ballad, the electric guitar makes it a rock ballad, and the back-up singers of soul and R&B makes it...Justin Bieber's style. This song not only sums up Bieber, but definitely is a great note to end on.

Overall Rating for Die-hard Bieber Fans - A+
Overall Rating for Normal People - B+
Overall Rating for Bieber Haters - C-
Overall Rating for the music enthusiast - B/B+

Saturday, March 20, 2010

beautiful but you don't even try

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to like that "pop" sound, but I appreciate all kinds of music. I am very outspoken and will speak my mind when it needs a-speaking. So if I tend to sound very biased, but that is because I am. You have to be biased if you're human, you just don't have to share it. Too bad I will...xoxo

The Jonas Brothers is my topic today. I will evaluate their evolution today.

So if you're not familiar with the Jonas Brothers, or you've been living under a rock for the past five years, this brotherly boy band has been around since 2005, despite getting media attention for about three years. Since I've heard the story of how they became famous HUNDREDS of times, I'll keep this in annotated form:
- Nick got it started by getting discovered at a barbershop when he was about six years old; he then started doing Broadway musicals when he was seven
- Joe did a bit of acting, like in La Boheme
- Kevin has done a bit of commercials in his time, like this one (makes me laugh HARD)
- Nick gets signed by Columbia Records, initially as a solo artist
- His album flopped :(
- Luckily, Steve Greenberg revived his career by signing his brothers too as a group in 2005
- Fun Tidbit: they originally considered the name "Sons of Jonas"...thank God they didn't pick that name lol
- They make their first album, "It's About Time"
- Greenberg gets fired, album comes out, it's a flop :(
- They decide to leave Columbia and join Hollywood Records, a.k.a. Disney!
- They get publicity for their next self-titled album by having a LOT of air time on Disney Channel
- Album drops in July of 2007; HUGE HIT :)
- They get featured on one of the highest rated Hannah Montana episodes
- They go on their Look Me in the Eyes tour while filming for their short-episode series, Living the Dream
- Go on tour in Europe, opening for Avril Lavigne's Best Damn Tour in spring 2008
- Camp Rock premieres in June of 2008
- Go on YET ANOTHER tour, Burning Up Tour throughout North America
- Third album drops in August of 2008; GINORMOUS HIT :)
- They start filming for their TV show, Jonas, in late 2008
- Nominated for Best New Artist award for the Grammy's in December of 2008
- Talk begins about their new album in 2009, Lines, Vines, and Trying Times
- They announced that they will be going on a World Tour in summer 2009
- Album is released, mixed reviews :|
- Do a ton of side projects during the rest of 2009; Kevin gets engaged AND married; Joe does...stuff lol (he does random, secret stuff); Nick does A LOT
- Nick announces that he will have a solo band, Nick Jonas and the Administration
Ah, finally! That was WAY longer than it should've been. Haha

It's About Time
- Pop, boy band sound
- Too typical, but great songs
- Good album to start up with
- Key Song: Please Be Mine

Jonas Brothers
- Great album, newer, more mature sound
- Many great, classic songs
- However, great songs get overlooked by overplayed singles, like SOS
- Key Songs: Goodnight and Goodbye, Inseprable, Still in Love with You

A Little Bit Longer
- Arguably their BEST ALBUM, tied with Jonas Brothers
- Great, eclectic sound
- Different, but a better different
- Key Songs: Shelf, Lovebug, A Little Bit Longer

Lines, Vines, and Trying Time
- Okay album, could've been better, WAY overhyped
- Tried too hard to make a different sound; should've just stuck with their older sound
- Still has great songs that are overlooked by the bad ones
- Key Songs: World War III, What Did I do to Your Heart, Black Keys, Turn Right

Best Songs: Please Be Mine, Goodnight and Goodbye, Lovebug, Black Keys

I shall leave you with these parting words:
"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get from the Jonas Brothers...good or bad.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

haters look so small from up here...

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to like that "pop" sound, but I appreciate all kinds of music. I am very outspoken and will speak my mind when it needs a-speaking. So if I tend to sound very biased, but that is because I am. You have to be biased if you're human, you just don't have to share it. Too bad I will...xoxo

Justin Bieber. Four words: this boy's got talent. (That was technically 5 minus the apostrophe thingy lol)

When I was about 13, I was OBSESSED with this thing called Youtube. That is where I stumbled upon this boy. I heard about Esmee Denters and how she got famous on Youtube. I wanted to be famous, so I made a Youtube account. So I would look at related videos and just happened to find a video of a cute guy that looked about my age singing to Esmee. I thought he looked like just a skater boy with really great eyes, until I heard him sing. I thought a few things: 1. Holy Sh** 2. He sounds like a girl. Yes, maybe I was smitten by this pre-pubescent boy, but he had some talent. He sang "With You" by Chris Brown (back when he was in his "glory days") and he killed it. I got shivers down my spine and goosebumps. I literally told myself, "This kid's gonna be famous one day." Wow, I have some pretty good perception.

On a hot, late July day, on the way to Wawa, I hear this high pitched boy's voice on the radio. I listen to the song, thought it was too "pop" for my forte, but I liked his voice (NOT THE PITCH; I will rant about that at a later time). I then hear the name: Justin Bieber. I literally screamed and made my brother pretty angry. Not the point.

I would like to make a few points so this post isn't too too long:
1. Even though his voice is high pitched, THIS BOY CAN SING.
2. He has received high praise from big shot music peeps.
3. He is just too darn cute.
4. His story. He came from below the poverty line, singing on the streets to get his single mother a vacation, to "teen pop sensation".
5. He is a true musician. He plays four instruments (piano, trumpet, drums, and guitar) and he can conquer anything that he puts his mind to. His inspirations are Michael Jackson and various R&B/Pop sounds

Key Songs to Listen to Know Him:
One Time - just getting to know his style
One Less Lonely Girl - cute, puppy love ballad with a good beat

Key Songs to HAVE:
One Time (My Heart Edition) - voice change is evident, sounds WAY better acoustic
Baby ft. Ludacris - suits different genre likings, with a pop and hip hop feel, little bit of rap and R&B...kinda. Influenced by Michael Jackson, so definitely a must
Down to Earth - a touch of his songwriting skills that tackle a tough topic: divorce (his parents are divorced)

Key Songs to Keep on Repeat:
U Smile - a song he wrote for his fans; HUGE R&B influenced beat and a Motown feel
That Should Be Me - look at the title; listen to the passion in his voice (search for it on Youtube; look for the acoustic version recorded during QVC; take into account that he was sick during this performance)
Eenie Meenie - great collaboration with Sean Kingston; repetition is very key in the annoying factor, which makes is PERFECT

Key Songs that take A LOT to like:
Bigger - took me about four months to take into consideration of listening; just not my cup of tea; listen to the WHOLE entire song, as in don't stop in the beginning
Love Me - just not feeling it, but a LOT of people like it. Maybe it's just me :|

Remember: give him about two years. He'll be hot by then.

xoxo, sam :)